Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chalk It Up...

"Z-Boy Dots"

pastel on sidewalk

Several artists here in Baker spent the day Chalking It Up on Main St. It was a great amount of fun to take part in. I spent about 3 hours creating this piece and will be removing it on Monday night. So if you want to see it in person. You have about 24 hours to do so.

We'll be doing "Chalk It Up" again next year on the Labor Day weekend. If you missed it this year make sure to mark your calendar for 2011.



Coffee Messiah said...

Some great work there.

Chalk drawings on the street are always interesting.

You never see any of that out here.


Dogs by Bri said...

Hi CM,

You could start a trend in your area, by taking chalk to concrete yourself. That's what we did.
