Sunday, December 18, 2011

Digby before Xmas...

(in progress)
18"x14" acrylic on canvas

So, I was thinking I might be able to finish this commission before I left town to spend time with family for the Xmas holiday. That did not happen though, so this is the progress I was able to make before hitting the road, or skies in this case.

This will be the last posting for the next 12 days, and hopefully before New Year's we'll all see more of Digby emerge.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ears it is...

(in progress)
18"x14" acrylic on canvas

I spent most of today working on Digby's left ear, and it's coming out pretty good. When I work on one ear and then several days later the other, I have to constantly check the painting versus the reference photo, because my style has to match from ear to ear. Not my current work to the photo. It's strange referring to the painting at times, but it works.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pet quality...

(in progress)
18"x14" acrylic on canvas

Digby is almost pet-able now with all the little brush strokes. I haven't progressed as much as I'd like because of other commitments, mainly the Baker City Cycling Classic. Which I'm very much looking forward to directing this coming year.

Back to Digby though. She is looking so soft and warm I just want to cuddle up to her. I also realize that I need to bring a different camera to photograph the painting, because I keep getting out of focus images. She's a beautiful subject and I'm enjoying the process immensely.

I should also mention that my appearance on Oregon Art Beat will be Jan. 5th, 2012. I'm very excited. More details to come about a viewing party here in Baker City.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little brush strokes...

(in progress)
18"x14" acrylic on canvas

Today while painting Digby, I used little brushes. It takes forever to make any real progress painting that way, but it sure looks good when I get it where I want it.

Can't wait to spend the day painting tomorrow.


The Digby begins...

(in progress)
18"x14" acrylic on canvas

Here's the start of my new painting of Digby. What a beautiful dogs she was. I keep imagining her with a big grin on her face on a hot summer day in Baker.

While in this picture she's all calm and resting, I can just she her romping around in the grass like all dogs love to do.

I spent more time than I thought was necessary drawing her on the canvas, which is not my usual way of painting. I wanted to make sure that she fit on there the way I had sketched her. However, every time I put chalk to canvas, she'd either be to big or to small. After my third attempt, I went back to my usual paint directly on the canvas, and what you see here is the result of that technique.

Can't wait to see what develops today.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Otto Two Stick

Otto Two Stick

10"x8" acrylic on canvas

I finished this painting up on Wed. and then took the day off sort of yesterday. Corrine and I went to Boise, had a great lunch with our friends Amber and Kevin. Picked up ceramic supplies, walked around downtown Boise, shopped a little.

I wish my foot was out of the boot, because at my favorite running store, Shu's Idaho Running Company, there was a pair of Newtons on sale. However, you can't try running shoes with a fractured foot, can you.

When we got back, I did head to Short Term Gallery to do a little work on my next commission. Just a little sketch, and today I'll be starting the painting.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Otto makes a splash...

Otto Two Stick
(in progress)
10"x8" acrylic on canvas

While I was hoping to finish this painting yesterday, it just didn't happen. What did happen was a lot of boring accounting from this past weekends Outta the Box Bazaar. I spent all day chasing $145 cash, that I was never going to find because of an error in the placement of cash vs. credit cards on our check out sheets.

I eventually figured out where it had gone, but by that time I had to get ready to teach my spin class at the Y. Great workout, and I can feel my strength returning to my left leg. Yeah. I went a little to hard during one of the sprints and had a very sore glut afterwards.

Now to the painting. I have learned that there are times through out the year when I find it more desirable to paint, and times when I need breaks from it. Lately though, I've been wanting to paint more than anything, and not because of the fractured foot, but because I enjoy it more than anything. While I still do a bunch of things to pay the bills, painting being the lion share of the income, I find I'd be more willing to stay up late painting and skip the couch and hulu. I still love all the other stuff I'm involved in, but now more than ever painting is the most important thing.

It's helpful that Corrine is the same way with her work. In fact when I came home from Short Term she had just turned the light off in her studio. It was 11 PM.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Otto almost...

Otto Two Stick
(in progress)
10"x8" acrylic on canvas

I spent this weekend working with Corrine and 30 other vendors at the Outta the Box Bazaar, and so I didn't get any painting done since Friday morning.

This is the result of my last time spent with Otto. I'm so happy with how the water is looking and I'm almost done with all of it. A few more touches here and there on the water and then I'll be able to focus on Otto.

If I get all the accounting done from the bazaar today, I might even finish the painting.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Otto emerges from the water...

Otto Two Stick
(in progress)
10"x8" acrylic on canvas

I spent much of yesterday fine tuning the water around Otto, and think the flow and movement are really coming into place. The tones are just about where I want them and will be interested in seeing how the highlights effect the overall look.

I worked on the bottom edge of the canvas early in the day, so while working on Otto, I had the canvas upside down. For the most part the tones and shading are the way I want, but there are a few places where I need to make adjustments.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Otto start...

Otto Two Stick
(in progress)
10"x8" acrylic on canvas

Here's the start of Otto the dog with two sticks. I've been layering the colors here, and just love the surface of the water. It has a very cold feeling right now, that I hope to warm up with the use of a little pink in the highlights.

Then it will be on to Otto.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Turquoise Daisy

Turquoise Daisy
14"x11" acrylic on canvas

This is a recent commission I just finished of a dog named Daisy. I can't think of a more classic Basset Hound look than the one Daisy is giving the viewer.

I used a mixture of Golden Open paint and Heavy Body Acrylic to achieve this look. I'm most pleased with how soft and smooth her fur turned out. I also had a lot of fun playing with the colors in her coat.

Next up is a dog named Otto with two sticks, so NYC will have to wait a little longer for my attention.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

NY Cab work...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent the day working on a NYC Taxi. Here's the results. My progress is like that of tunnel traffic at rush hour in Manhattan.

I once took over an hour to get from Westside Hwy to our apartment, which was less than a 20 minute walk, during tunnel rush hour. I learned my lesson and never picked up our car at that time of day ever again. It's one of the few mistakes I never repeated.

I'm loving the way this is shaping up, and have spent almost as much time staring at it as I have spent putting paint on the canvas. Tomorrow, I'll be starting a new commission so the city will sleep for awhile.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things appear and disappear...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I started on the taxi cab that's part of this painting on Saturday but wasn't sure I'd like it when I returned to it, and sure enough I wasn't. It's a self-fullfilling prophecy eh?

Today I took time removing what I didn't like, and starting over on the lower part of the canvas. If at first I don't succeed, I erase with paint.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Lighting the entrance...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent the morning getting images ready for Tom at OPB for my segment, which put me at Short Term about two hours late. Then on my way there I realized it was Veterans Day, and the post office would and should be closed for the day.

So once I got to painting I added some details to the building on the far left, and then started to give light to the entrance of the parking garage. Slowly, but surely it's all coming together.

And Monday I'll head off to the post office for Tom.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

back to building...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

...or should I say windowing, and fire escaping? Today and everyday since Saturday this past weekend I've been working on the Billboard series again.

Lots of fits and starts today, but I'm really enjoying how this is turning out. Love the play of light and shadow.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Buckshot Splatter Final...

"Buckshot Splatter"
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

So I was able to release Buckshot to the world on Friday, for the 1st Friday opening at Short Term Gallery. To a very warm reception.

I've started back to the Billboard series now, and that's been a joy. I wouldn't say luckily, but it's the only word that comes to mind, I fractured my foot last Wed. and now I'm stuck at the easel, and so I'm getting lots of work done.

Stop by and see me if you're in the area.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Releasing the hound...

"Buckshot Splatter"
(in progress)
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

I thought of a clever way of putting what I do with paint today. I'm releasing the hounds when I put brush to canvas, in the same way a sculpture releases her subject from the stone or clay.

More work to do tomorrow and the next day for the hound to be fully released.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Return to Buckshot

"Buckshot Splatter"
(in progress)
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

We returned home from our Airstream/mountain bike fueled adventures a week ago. I've spent time off and on with Buckshot since then, but this is the most significant progress worth posting.

The trip was great fun, but it's nice to be back in the studio for sure. I had brought a couple of canvases with to paint while on the trip, but I never found time in the day to make any artwork happen. I guess I was having to much fun.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Buckshot progress...

"Buckshot Splatter"
(in progress)
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

After taking my lunch break from Short Term Gallery yesterday, I was thinking I might need to make changes to the work I had done earlier in the morning. However, when I returned to the gallery I couldn't have been happier with the progress I'd made.

Then I went on to paint more, and this morning I'm just as happy as I was last night when I went home. Let's see what my brushes can do today.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Window installation...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

Window work continued in ernest yesterday during Studio Tours. Got a lot done, and entertained a few Tour goers. Overall it was a nice weekend for Corrine and I.

I think that this painting is coming along better and faster than any I've done in this style in the past. I think that the previous city paintings I've done have prepared me both mentally and creatively. I don't want to rush it, but at the same time I'm getting work done without feeling bored.

Thanks to everyone that came through our studio this weekend, we'll see you next year in Oct. with all new art to display and share.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Studio Tours...

"Buckshot Splatter"
(in progress)
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

Today Open Studio Tours continue and we're open at the Dusty Dog Studio from 11-3 PM. Come by if you're in Baker City.

Here's the little progress I made on Buckshot. I spent about 15 minutes painting his form for Oregon Art Beat on Monday, a will probably work a little on him during Studio Tours today too.

Yesterday we had a steady flow of people from about 12:30 on. I worked mostly on "Form Strategic Partnerships" and it's turning out great. I feel a little like a window contractor right now, because that's all I'm installing on the painting.

Hope to see you on the Tour.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lights in the windows...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I painted upside down again, to a very happy result. Well, almost. There are correction to the window frames in the Graphic Arts Building that need to be done. I also noticed that the details of the brick work above the arched window are slightly off.

I thought that they were off yesterday while painting, but after staring at them for several hours straight I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. Now I can tell they're converging to a different vanishing point than the rest of the lines of the buildings'.

My favorite thing is still the light coming from the windows.

Tomorrow Oregon Art Beat will show up and I get to talk all about my process with them. Corrine will be featured as well. Should be fun, and quite the honor as well. I'll keep you posted as to when it will air.


Painting upside down...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent the day painting upside down. I find it so much easier to paint this way when my subject has so many converging lines. Okay, whenever I'm painting buildings this helps me to focus on light and form. My brain shuts off a little, and instead of trying to create buildings, it works mostly on the shapes that make up said building.

What I'm liking best is the light coming from the arched window in the Graphic Design Building. For the those of you who are curious as to the location of this scene, it's Varick St. in NYC near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. I want to know what's going on behind that window.

After spending most of the day with the painting flipped, I turned it over to add some windows to the far left building, and sure enough I got the placement wrong. Back to the upside down today.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Buckshot Splatter...

"Buckshot Splatter"
(in progress)
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

So this coming Monday the 26th of Sept. a crew from Oregon Art Beat will be arriving in Baker City to feature Corrine and I for stories. Wow.

We both are very excited and flattered for the opportunity to share our work with them, and show off all the steps of the process. KC Cowan, host and producer, explained that we should view it as a cooking show. Explain each step leading up to the finished piece.

That's why if you look very closely at this canvas you can see Buckshot, the puppy, faintly drawn with white chalk. On canvases like this I take time before hand sketching the dog with ink on paper, and then come to the canvas with the white chalk. Click to blow-up the image and you'll be able to see Buckshot better.

Today at the gallery I'll be working on the NYC billboard again. Need to get that one ready for it's close-up.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Structure continued...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent most of the afternoon painting, and much to my amazement I like the progress, but I know not much of it shows. I'm continuing to enjoy this painting and the process of the whole thing.

One thing that I've found on larger works like this, I'm very appreciative of Golden Open paint, and  my friend Don recommending I try it. It truly makes a big difference in my ability to control light. Even when I add straight black to the tone already on the canvas, it just makes the subtlest change.

It's not without it's issues, or I should say I have to adjust where I paint. I got some wet paint on my reference photo, because I was moving it around to paint a lower corner of the picture, and the Open was still wet. I must remember, left to right, top to bottom.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grey brown...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

Is gray brown a color, or a shade of a color? Today I mixed and painted colors that more closely match reality in the photo reference I'm using. You can see one of said reference photos taped to the painting. The other changes include removal, or placement adjustment to the street light.

I also created some flyers for the up coming Studio Tours here in Baker City. Hope to see some of you in my studio.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Form without substance...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent much of today working to add form to the buildings, a little bit of light here and there, but no real substance was added.

I reshaped the arch of the one building's roof, and added some windows. It's amazing how much time it takes to add forms like that, but not add any finished elements. Good thing I'm enjoying listening to "Game of Thrones"


Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 in one day?

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I've made more progress today, thanks to the fact we had no customers in the gallery today. It's to the point where I'm really seeing what lies ahead of me. Lots of window work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to it.


The Billboards are coming...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

So I started the first in my Billboard series over the weekend, while teaching an acrylic painting workshop, just outside of John Day. I had a lot of fun teaching it too.

The idea came to me when I saw a Banana Republic ad in a New Yorker. The ad depicts a  woman with a hand bag large enough for a small dog, which happens to be a Jack Russell. The tag line is "Form Strategic Partnerships" So I used a photo from our days in NYC and created a picture in a picture.

Once I'm done with this one I'm going to need more billboard reference photos, so I think I'll be contacting my friends in the big cities, since we don't have to many billboards out here in Baker City.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New start...

Currently Untitled
24"x18" acrylic on canvas

This a one of the canvases that I'm currently working on. I think it's going change a few more times before I start to paint the dog on here.

The picture was taken while the paint was still wet so I'm not sure what it looks like right now. The orange could be a little more subtle now than it was last night.

I'll be teaching a workshop in John Day this coming weekend so when I return I'm sure I'll have some progress to share.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Maggie and Dandelions

"Maggie and the Dandelions"

12"x12" acrylic on canvas

Here's the finished version of Maggie. I love the way it all came together, and feel I'm learning something new about my work/process with every new painting like this.

I have a new 24"x18" canvas started and can't wait to sit down with it today. I'm running late to Short Term Gallery, so off I go.
