Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Two Hound start...

"Two Hound Polka"
(in progress)

3 1/2" x 5" acrylic on wood

I spent much of today in a meeting and then doing some design work, with a GF pizza with Corrine and friend Steve, thrown in there.

Then I got put a little paint on this new one. I spent about 45 minutes to an hour on this, and it made me realize I didn't actually spend 4 hours yesterday on the Mama painting. I spent a little over 4 hours doing creative work, drawing Mama, these two hounds and sketching a painting idea for a client (a non dog related painting, don't tell anyone). Doing all of that work from the same chair, it seemed like I had been painting for 4 hours.

That's a good thing. I really do love creating.


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