Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Turquoise Daisy

Turquoise Daisy
14"x11" acrylic on canvas

This is a recent commission I just finished of a dog named Daisy. I can't think of a more classic Basset Hound look than the one Daisy is giving the viewer.

I used a mixture of Golden Open paint and Heavy Body Acrylic to achieve this look. I'm most pleased with how soft and smooth her fur turned out. I also had a lot of fun playing with the colors in her coat.

Next up is a dog named Otto with two sticks, so NYC will have to wait a little longer for my attention.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

NY Cab work...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent the day working on a NYC Taxi. Here's the results. My progress is like that of tunnel traffic at rush hour in Manhattan.

I once took over an hour to get from Westside Hwy to our apartment, which was less than a 20 minute walk, during tunnel rush hour. I learned my lesson and never picked up our car at that time of day ever again. It's one of the few mistakes I never repeated.

I'm loving the way this is shaping up, and have spent almost as much time staring at it as I have spent putting paint on the canvas. Tomorrow, I'll be starting a new commission so the city will sleep for awhile.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things appear and disappear...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I started on the taxi cab that's part of this painting on Saturday but wasn't sure I'd like it when I returned to it, and sure enough I wasn't. It's a self-fullfilling prophecy eh?

Today I took time removing what I didn't like, and starting over on the lower part of the canvas. If at first I don't succeed, I erase with paint.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Lighting the entrance...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

I spent the morning getting images ready for Tom at OPB for my segment, which put me at Short Term about two hours late. Then on my way there I realized it was Veterans Day, and the post office would and should be closed for the day.

So once I got to painting I added some details to the building on the far left, and then started to give light to the entrance of the parking garage. Slowly, but surely it's all coming together.

And Monday I'll head off to the post office for Tom.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

back to building...

"Form Strategic Partnerships"
(in progress)
18"x36" acrylic on canvas
$4500 US dollars plus shipping

...or should I say windowing, and fire escaping? Today and everyday since Saturday this past weekend I've been working on the Billboard series again.

Lots of fits and starts today, but I'm really enjoying how this is turning out. Love the play of light and shadow.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Buckshot Splatter Final...

"Buckshot Splatter"
18"x24" acrylic on canvas
$1800 US dollars plus shipping

So I was able to release Buckshot to the world on Friday, for the 1st Friday opening at Short Term Gallery. To a very warm reception.

I've started back to the Billboard series now, and that's been a joy. I wouldn't say luckily, but it's the only word that comes to mind, I fractured my foot last Wed. and now I'm stuck at the easel, and so I'm getting lots of work done.

Stop by and see me if you're in the area.
